Master of Real Estate

MDI Madrid Master of Real Estate
A Lifelong Learning Master’s Degree from UPM

The premier real estate MBA taught in Spanish

The MDI Madrid is UPM’s Master of Real Estate, covering development, investment and asset management.

Whether you are already working in the real estate sector and want to expand your knowledge and skills or you are looking for an opportunity to launch or reorient your career, the MDI Madrid Master of Real Estate stands out for covering a broad variety of real estate products, tackling them from all viewpoints and putting that knowledge into practice through a teaching method based on case studies, guided by leading lecturers from the Spanish real estate space.

Learn to draw up a business plan for a residential development that addresses product design, marketing and also its financial, tax and legal structure.

Analyse the acquisition of properties for operation for a wealth of uses - hotel, retail, office, logistics, residential rental, multi-family homes, student residences, healthcare, life sciences, transport facilities, data processing centres - and learn how to value those properties.

Understand the legal and tax aspects of the financial vehicles used to structure real estate transactions.

Learn to identify which markets and business lines to prioritise at real estate developers, investors and contractors, framed by a solid financial structure.

1 intake/year


*Enquire about scholarships and financial assistance


32 places
In Spanish


Mon. and Tues.
4pm to 9pm
One Monday a month
from 5.45pm to 9pm


Lifelong Learning Master's
+250 sessions


Ciudad Universitaria


360º vision of the business

The MDI dives deep into the management and operation of each class of real estate assets and looks at the business through the lens of all the different agents.

Critical thinking

Understand the main trends in real estate investing to learn how to anticipate and leverage them.

International perspective

Build the tools needed to develop, acquire and manage real estate assets anywhere in the world.



The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is the world's leading professional body for qualifications and standards in land, property, infrastructure and construction. The MDI is the only real estate master in Spain accredited by RICS in the Property Finance and Investment and Management Consultancy sector pathways. We use their criteria in our real estate valuation classes.

Events and conferences


The MDI Madrid Master of Real Estate and its alumni regularly organise activities addressing developments in real estate investing and management, sports competitions and networking events.

MDI prize


Awarded annually by the MDI Master of Real Estate, this prize acknowledges the contribution and work of professionals deemed exemplary in real estate development or property construction, or both simultaneously.



MDI and UPM are members of the main international and Spanish real estate sector organisations, thanks to which they can offer their students access to prestigious professional accreditations, information, events and mentoring programmes so they can remain at the forefront of the industry.

Site visits


During the programme, and outside of class hours, we organise a number of site visits to different types of real estate assets under construction or operation in Madrid, the Balearics and Catalonia.

Over 70 lecturers and professionals, leaders in real estate development, investment and management, will guide you through the programme Get to know them!

The MDI Madrid Master of Real Estate forges the sector’s future leaders through excellent academic preparation and the exchange of ideas and experiences among participants with very diverse and complementary backgrounds. Do you want to join their ranks?

Undergraduate degree

Business administration | Architecture | Law | Engineering | Marketing


Investment in land or properties. Property management. Related services.

Age and background

75% of our students have 5+ years of experience.
30% of our students are international

Current position

Looking to join the labour market
Starting your own business.
Leading family-run companies.

Do you want to join them?

Fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly

If you have questions, please contact us: